Category Reviews

ROH TV 3-30-13: S.C.U.M. Dominates

On this week’s edition of ROH TV, all the matches were ROH vs. S.C.U.M. The first match was between C & C and S.C.U.M. members Rhett Titus & Cliff Compton. Thanks to other members of S.C.U.M., Titus & Compton got the…

OVW TV 3-30-13: Doug Williams Screws Doug Williams

The show began with #1 contender to the OVW Heavyweight Championship Crimson reminding champion Doug Williams about the deal that he and Williams made as far as preventing Jamin Olivencia from becoming the #1 contender to Williams’ championship. That deal was…

WWE Saturday Morning Slam 3-30-13: Match and Rematch On One Program

The show began with Tons of Funk taking on The Primetime Players, a match that was made last week by Saturday Morning Slam General Manager and soon-to-be WWE Hall of Famer Mick Foley. The Primetime Players used some underhanded tactics…

WWE Smackdown 3-29-13: The Road to WrestleMania Draws Nearer

The show began with WWE Champion Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson doing a second addition of Story Time With The Rock, but was eventually interrupted by John Laurinaitis. This is the first time that John Laurinaitis has appeared on WWE Television…

Impact Wrestling 3-28-13: The Issues Continue

It was Open Fight Night on this edition of Impact Wrestling, meaning that anyone could call anyone out and that person would have to answer. Right before Jeff Hardy could call someone out, he was interrupted by Aces & Eights.…

WWE NXT 3-27-13: Road to WrestleMania 29

This was a special edition of NXT because the theme was “Road to WrestleMania 29”. WWE Hall of Famer Howard Finkel was the ring announcer for the night and the commentary team for the night was Tom Phillips, William Regal, and WWE…

WWE Main Event 3-27-13: The Bella Twins Return to Action

The show began with WWE Tag Team Champion Kane going one-on-one with United States Champion Antonio Cesaro in a non-title match. Kane’s WWE Tag Team Championship partner Daniel Bryan joined Michael Cole and The Miz at commentary during the match.…

WWE Raw 3-25-13: WWE Championship Match For WrestleMania 29 Intensifies

The show began with CM Punk and Paul Heyman coming out to taunt Punk’s WrestleMania 29 opponent The Undertaker once more. Punk was still in possession of the urn he stole from Undertaker. Eventually, there was a gong and the…

OVW TV 3-23-13: Jamin Olivencia Gets Screwed Again

On this edition of OVW TV, after getting a makeover, courtesy of The Mascara Mafia, Paredyse revealed Brittany DeVore to the entire world. However, when Paredyse had Brittany stand in a certain spot, Brandon Espinosa came up from behind her…