Category WrestleMania

WWE Raw 3-11-13 Review

The program began with The Undertaker coming to the ring, with a vintage urn famously carried around by the late Paul Bearer waiting inside the ring, to pay tribute to his longtime adversary. However, it was soon interrupted by CM…

WWE Smackdown 3-8-13 Review

On this edition of Smackdown, Michael Cole informed the WWE Universe that he would be filling in on commentary for JBL (the normal commentary team being Josh Mathews and JBL) for the next few weeks due to JBL’s mountain climbing duties. The Assistant to the Raw…

WWE Main Event 3-6-13 Review

The first match of the night was Randy Orton going 0ne-on-one with Intercontinental Champion Wade Barrett in a non-title match with Randy Orton coming out victorious. The second match was between Zack Ryder and Cody Rhodes with Cody Rhodes getting…

Matches That Should Happen at WrestleMania 29

These are the matches that I think should happen at WrestleMania 29: United States Champion Antonio Cesaro vs. Zack Ryder for the championship Ryback vs. Mark Henry WWE Tag Team Champions Team Hell No vs. The Usos for the championship…

WWE Raw 3-4-13 Review

Raw went “Old School” last night. Everything was “Old School” from the announcer and referee uniforms to all the stage settings. These sorts of things definitely take me back to when I was a kid. A lot of “Old School”…