Kofi Kingston is one of WWE’s most athletic superstars. In 2008, he made his debut on the main roster. Not too long afterwards, he went on to win his first major singles championship from WWE, the Intercontinental Championship. In 2009, Kofi started to skyrocket to the top; in addition to becoming the United States Champion that year, he got into an epic rivalry with one of WWE’s top dogs, Randy Orton. This lead to a Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Tag Team Match with Orton captaining one team and Kofi captaining the other team. Kofi ended up being the sole survivor for his team. In 2010, he won the Intercontinental Championship two more times. It seemed it was only a matter of time before Kofi would finally win the big one; however, in the year 2011, he spent most of the year in the tag team division, winning the WWE Tag Team Championship with Evan Bourne. After losing the Tag Team Championship, Kofi started to fade away from the top and more down to the mid-card where he once was. While Kofi would go on to win more championships and become a master at finding ways to prevent himself from getting eliminated from Battle Royals and Royal Rumble Matches, he has not gotten as close to the top as he did in 2009-2010. Things were really going strong for Kofi those two years and I think that should have been enough to have Kofi win the big one. WWE needs to do something to make that special time for Kofi happen again.

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