A commentator’s job is to provide energy and excitement for the fans so they can
enjoy the show. It is also a commentator’s job to provide the fans with news
updates and facts about the sport and its athletes. These are the types of
things commentators are supposed to be doing. Fortunately, there have been, and
still are today, commentators like that. However, there have been, and still
are today, commentators that are doing things that are the opposite of the
fans’ enjoyment and excitement. These commentators are antagonizing, sniveling;
they argue with, as well as taunt, their broadcast partners, they taunt the
wrestlers, they taunt the fans, they make up stories in an attempt to make the
heels seem like good guys and the faces seem like bad guys, they rant off while
there’s a match going on, they cut their broadcast partners off while they’re
trying to say something, among other things. Basically, they’re trying to make
the entire show all about themselves. These types of commentators disrupt the
show and don’t make it exciting and enjoyable for the fans at all. Current heel
commentators include JBL in WWE, Taz in TNA, Michael Titus in TNA’s
developmental Territory OVW, and Steve Corino in ROH. I realize wrestling needs
heels, but I don’t think it needs them on commentary. I think the fans put up
with enough of the heels’ other garbage, so we don’t need any of their garbage
on commentary throughout the entire night. So the best thing for the wrestling
companies to do is get the heels off commentary and never put any more on for
the rest of eternity.

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