A couple of weeks ago on WWE Raw, The Usos (Jimmy & Jey) became the third generation of their family to make it to the top of WWE’s tag team division by beating The New Age Outlaws for the WWE Tag Team Championship. The Usos’ great uncles and WWE Hall of Famers The Wild Samoans (Afa & Sika) held the World Tag Team Championship on two occasions in the early 80s. The next generation to make it to the top were The Usos’ second cousin and father The Headshrinkers (Samu & Fatu, who later became known as Rikishi) when they became the World Tag Team Champions in 1994. Today, The Usos proudly carry on their family’s legacy and I personally hope that their championship reign lasts a long time.

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The Uso’s earned it. I think they are the most exciting tag team in the WWE.