Category Jason Wayne

OVW TV 4-6-13: Doug Williams Wants No Part of Jamin Olivencia

The show began with a security camera showing Jamin Olivencia arriving outside the arena. Then, out of nowhere, a truck nearly runs over him. Also, while OVW Director of Operations Michael Hayes is addressing the fans, he is interrupted by The…

OVW TV 3-16-13 Review

The show started out with OVW Director of Operations Michael Hayes booking a tournament to determine the #1 contender to OVW Heavyweight Champion Doug Williams. The four men that were entered in this tournament were Jamin Olivencia, Rob Terry, and Coalition members…

OVW TV 3-2-13 Review

OVW Director of Operations and former U.S. Military Serviceman Michael Hayes called out The Coalition and expressed his anger towards their recent actions, which have been disgraceful to all the U.S. Military Service Men and Women. He specifically directed it towards Crimson and Jason Wayne…